Join the Hauli Huvila community
Interested in becoming a Hauli Huvila member? That’s great news; however, take a look at the following questions to see if it makes sense for you to become a Hauli Huvila member.
Are you Finnish or a spouse of a Finn?
Do you plan on visiting Hauli Huvila events two or more times a year?
Do you want a chance to stay in the Hauli Huvila cabins?
Do you want to save money on our camping rates?
Do you want to contribute to the success of Hauli Huvila?
If you answered yes to the above questions then you should become a Hauli Huvila member. Join the Finnish American Cultural Society DBA Hauli Huvila. Membership is open to all Finns and their spouses
Membership Benefits
50% discount on camping and day usage rates.
Access to use cabins via our cabin lottery.
Access to Hauli Huvila camp anytime with 48-hour notice during off event days (unless exclusively rented out).
Currently, membership covers the calendar year and renewal is required each calendar year.